Sunday, January 26, 2020

Learn Arabic update 2020

As an update to my lifetime project/mission "Introducing Arabic in a fun, easy and effective way", here is a summery update to my strategy that's been developed throughout three decades of teaching Arabic to non-natives both online and offline. It is generally based on a few principles:

1. Offering the most common version of the language so one would enjoy the contemporary culture all over the Arab world. A narrow isolated approach especially prematurely on only local spoken or only written Arabic is not recommended unless it is a special study or research for non-commutative purposes.

2. Establishing a strong and deep connection between language and culture so one would become familiar with the people including their values, way of thinking, and communicate smoothly.

3. Learning all possible language skills such as reading, writing, speaking and comprehension so one is ready for any further development and experience whether it is an academic, business or personal.

4. Unlike the situation of most of modern world languages, all types of Arabic old/modern and written/spoken Arabic are deeply interrelated and used due to the traditional powers and sacredness of Arabic, but finding and focusing on the fundamental core (Shared Arabic) resulted from my extensive research is a good start no matter what direction the study may take later. 

5. Online study has proved to be almost as effective as the offline counterpart, and the few technical issues are marginal comparing to the huge advantages such as saving hassles of traveling to the region especially during the struggle to improve the basic skills amidst the confusion and lake of approach with harmony to the unstable situation of the region in which language and culture are not neutralized in the unfortunate conflicts. Coming to the Arab world with minimum language skills plus a good understanding of the linguistic and cultural diversity is invaluably essential to both safety and personal enjoyment. 

6. My teaching curriculum is gradually becoming a collection of books that is/will be available to the public soon probably on Amazon or elsewhere, and few samples of my works are circulated freely online.

7. Arabic is one of the highest language in global demand, but sadly is also one of the highest in students' dropouts due to archaic approaches that do not put in consideration the unique situation of the language and the complicated situation of the region; we must find large scale solutions. About nine years of war here is Syria has caused tragic consequences to my people and me, but I managed to teach, write online and finish some of my books.

Let's talk about your plan and ambition, obstacles and any previous experience.


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